Dec 15th 2024-Feb 6th 2025

On August 20th 2024, Russia's Alexei Glombavonov led a revolution against Putin, overthrowing him and taking power over Russia. This poses a new threat to the United States, as Alexei Glombavonov is extremely Anti NATO.

November 25th 2024 The People's United Federation formed, comprising of Syria, Iran, and Russia. Led by Alexei Glombavanov to oppose NATO intervention and expansionism in Europe and the Middle East. Russian war machine gains increased funding from Syrian and Iranian money. NATO reports show massive military buildups due to plan 332 (Chinese and Russian arms deal)

December 15th 2024 NATO troops deployed to the Persian Gulf and Turkey, begin training exercises, RAF Lakenheath squadrons on alert. Oregon ANG activated to Turkey with F15EXs. JSDF on alert.

February 6th 2025-Following retaliatory strikes against Iran for the shoot down of a Civilian airliner, NATO forces conducted a ground and air Operation against the Iranians named Operation Black Mold. The goal of black mold was to rescue the POW “Moldy” after he was shot down during the retaliatory strikes. Operation Black Mold was a success, Moldy was rescued, and the Iranian military suffered a disastrous defeat.


(Concluded DCS and Arma) Ukraine War


(Concluded Arma/DCS) Exercise Bear Trap