September 27th 1995-October 1st 1995
After the Iran and Syria strikes against Israel on the 25th, NATO Launched Operation Desert Paladin. The goal of Operation Desert Paladin was to cripple Syrias ability to fight a war against Israel, and ensure destruction of Syrian Nuclear capabilities. The 58th FS, and the 561st were sent to Incirlik Airbase, with the 561st borrowing airframes from the 17th WS. VF69 met VFA192 aboard the Kittyhawk as the George Washington was stationed in Alaska for Frozen Wendigo. On the night of the 26th F117s took out the power grid in Syria. All Squadrons were ordered to enforce a No Fly Zone over Syria. With Strikes planned over the course of the next few days. Rangers were deployed into Syria to perform Recon of potential targets for Strike Aircraft.
The main objective (Destroying the ability for Syria to wage a war against Israel) was achieved in just 5 Days. The UN Peace Keepers have moved a base near Damascus to attempt to stabalize the Region. NATO has stationed aircraft in Incirlik airbase to start "Operation Paladins Shield", where French, Canadian, and British aircraft will work alongside the UN to enforce a No Fly Zone and stabilize the region. The Official start date of the operation is October 25th. The UN is set to be fully operational near Damascus by the 18th.