October 15th 1995-TBD
In August, Georgia began an invasion of Adjara, in response a NATO Task Force began Operation Adjari Freedom Despite the air strikes in Adjara, Georgia still has a firm hold on the country. This is due to the vast restriction on air strikes in the region. The No Fly Zone was lifted and Georgia was able to take delivery of Mig 29s, Mig 23s, Mig 21s, and more SU25s. On September 29th, Georgia began shelling South Ossetia and moving troops along the border. The massive loss of civilian life has brought in the UN Peacekeepers into South Ossetia to help bring aid to the civilians. A PMC operation took place throughout the past weeks to protect South Ossetian leadership from assassinations. Georgia promptly launched a full scale invasion of South Ossetia, plowing through their military and forcing the PMCs to withdraw from the country. South Ossetia officially fell on October 10th 1995 when Georgian Forces overthrew Ossetian leadership at the capital. NATO has launched Operation Urgent Watch, a No Fly Zone/Show of Force Operation Similar to the early stages of Pre Adjari Freedom Operations done by VF111 and has requested multiple squadrons to the area. The 58th FS, 14th FS, the 561st FS, VMA 214, VFA192, VF103, and VF69 are among the squadrons to deploy. Other NATO countries have also committed aircraft such as Tornadoes and Harriers. Our mission here is to ensure that peace is maintained while NATO attempts talks with Georgia to keep the Georgians out of Abkhazia. Despite what was originally promised by leadership, the ROEs for Urgent Watch will be strict until these talks are over.
Update-November 5th 1995
On the 15th, Georgia launched a surprise attack on NATO aircraft resulting in multiple aircrew losses. As a result, NATO launched a spree of retaliation attacks, destroying Kobuleti airfield and a communications outpost on the 17th, followed by Delta Force Operators capturing Georgian General Mikheil Khatuna from his hotel in Cyprus on the 20th. On the 24th, Air crew destroyed a Georgian Arms Factory as the final retaliation attack. Georgia was then given until November 5th to stand down in the region and return South Ossetia’s independence. This was immediately followed by a US Army Ranger raid on November 1st in Sahrani, where they destroyed a shipment meant for the Georgians, before being overrun by militia forces. All Rangers and their Southern Sahrani allies perished in the fight, it is unknown what NATOs response will be at this time. On the 3rd, Georgia launched a strike package of over 40 aircraft with the intent on destroying the US Carrier fleet in the Black Sea. Aircraft were scrambled and the strike package was destroyed. Now on November 5th, Georgias deadline is over, Urgent Watch has become Urgent Force. The goal, to bring Georgia to its knees and restore South Ossetian independence.
Update- December 1st 1995 Phase 2
With the destruction of Georgias airforce and the ending of a massive snow storm, command has launched phase 2 of Urgent Force. NATO Forces will conduct strikes on key military and supply targets to limit the defensive capabilities of Georgia ahead of the coming ground invasion in the Spring. Russias Defector Nikita Glombavanov is still at large after defecting to Georgia and launching is attack on NATO Forces. Russian Spetsnaz are launching Operation Sand Cat on December 5th, to hunt Glombavanov in Afghanistan where he reportedly is in hiding.
Update December 23rd End of Phase 2
With the destruction of many Vital military targets across Georgia, Phase 2 is coming to an end. Tank hunts will round out the build up for the ground invasion in February. All WEW Task Force Squadrons are pulled out and on leave, and are replaced by Squadrons like the 494th, VF111, and many more. The Georgian military has been severely crippled, and WEW Crews head home knowing that they succeeded in the Caucasus Theatre. Nikita Glombavonov was killed the Morning of the 23rd by US Army Rangers in the Phillipines as part of Operation Certain Vengeance. Georgia will be overthrown in Phase 3, and Abkhazia will be instated as the NATO Ally in the region.