September 18th 1995-October 5th 1995
Following the removal of the no fly zone over Georgia, Georgian forces started to supply insurgent forces over their border with South Ossetia. Since direct NATO involvement was not possible, a hand selected PMC group going by the name Stellaris was contracted to assist in country to supplement South Ossetian forces and remove the red tape of direct involvement of NATO. The official name for the Stellaris Operation was Imminent Danger.
After Action Report/Conclusion
Imminent Danger Part 1 September 18th 1995
Immediately after landing in country, Stellaris forces met with and escorted a South Ossetian VIP to a meeting with a local Governor. insurgent forces acted on a plan to interrupt the meeting and assassinate the Governor, assaulting a checkpoint at the border with Georgia as a distraction to lead away South Ossetian ground forces and assaulted the Government Quarter with multiple squad sized elements and technicals. They succeeded in assassinating the Governor, however Stellaris forces escorted the remaining VIPs to a safe house after holding off the insurgent push.
Imminent Danger Part 2 (Direct Action) September 19th 1995
Locals to the town directly south of the Government Quarter informed South Ossetian officials where the same insurgent group that assaulted the Governement Quarter the day before were operating from. The mission was pushed onto Stellaris, who decided the best course of action was a swift night assault. After driving to the border checkpoint that was assaulted, and assuring the local UN Forces had the situation under control, they drove down the suspected path Insurgent forces would be taking back to their hideout. Finding multiple camps along the path and eliminating the threats, Stellaris moved to the outskirts of the town insurgents were operating from. Waiting until night, to both give civilians time to evacuate and to allow darkness to settle, a swift and decisive fight eliminated what was left of the insurgent cell in the town. It was found to be an arms depot rich with intel.
Imminent Danger Part 3 (Rolling Thunder) September 20th 1995
Intel from the arms depot that was destroyed the night before gave the name of a corrupt South Ossetian general. The South Ossetian Government tried to bring the general to justice themselves peacefully, however this broke down very quickly, and to prevent bloodshed, they allowed him to leave. The general returned to his airfield and prepared his men to defend at all costs. The next day South Ossetian Military officials tasked Stellaris with taking him in alive and supplied Stellaris Forces with a MI-24 for this operation. Realizing the size of the force opposing them, Stellaris ground forces moved for the control tower of the airfield, knowing the general would be there. Guiding in their air power and moving quickly, the general was taken alive without incident and escorted back to the Stellaris base for handoff to the South Ossetian Government.
Imminent Danger Part 4 (Open Flame) September 23rd 1995
The days following the mission to secure the corrupt general, his men joined with local insurgent forces and began assaulting South Ossetian Military positions. Stellaris was tasked with a resupply and reinforce mission to an FOB holding off these newly reinforced insurgents. After being ambushed on their way to the FOB, Stellaris forces took over control of the South Ossetian FOB and held off multiple assaults from insurgent forces, including one BMP and mortar fire. Radio transimissions on insurgent channels showed their approximate rally point, Stellaris regrouped and formed an assault on this position. They were seen approaching and the insurgents holding the area retreated, but left behind intel and vehicles. Of which, one T-72 was captured and brought back to Stellaris base.
Imminent Danger Part 5 (█████████ ███████) September 25th 1995
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Imminent Danger Part 6 (Unforseen Consequences) September 27th 1995
In the days following a night-time strike on a Georgian supply depot, Georgia retaliated by increasing supplies to insurgent forces in South Ossetia. Georgia believed Stellaris was directly involved with the strike within their borders but had no solid evidence to suggest so. In an attempt to force intel out of the South Ossetian Government, insurgent forces were instructed to beseige a hospital in South Ossetia and hold the surrounding town as hostage. Stellaris acted swiftly with a direct assault on the now fortified hospital, on two fronts, with assistance from the captured T-72. An insurgent commander fled the area with the town's Mayor as a hostage and attempted to meet with a Georgian MI-8, which had hopped the border. Stellaris pursued and, after a short fire fight, managed to take down the MI-8 before they could set off with the Mayor.
Imminent Danger Part 7 (R&R) September 29th 1995
Two days after the hospital siege was broken, UN Forces captured multiple insurgent infantry alive and requested Stellaris assistance in collecting and moving them to the local UN FOB. Stellaris set off across towns in a three vehicle convoy collecting the captured insurgents, while hearing explosions and identifying SU-25s flying overhead in tight formation. Reports from border checkpoints showed what appeared to be a small scale border conflict, and Stellaris was advised to continue their mission with haste. Shortly there-after South Ossetian radio channels came alive with multiple reports of a full scale invasion. Stellaris forces regrouped with UN Forces at their FOB and secured the prisoners. Digging in for what would come, the FOB held for a short time until the limited supplies were depleted. A break in the firefight allowed them retreat, however Stellaris base was inundated with artillery and strikes from the patrolling SU-25s. Stellaris Ground forces fought through invading forces, and sought refuge in a disused Soviet radar facility. They took up camp, secured supplies from locals, and waited for an opportunity to escape South Ossetia.
Imminent Danger Part 8 (Danger Realized) October 5th 1995
A week after the invasion had begun, with supplies running low, it was decided that it was now or never. Georgian forces made their way North to as far as the Stellaris base. Stellaris had reason to believe the same C-130 that brought them in was still sitting in it's hangar. Using the remaining vehicles, and traveling using backroads, remaining Stellaris Forces did recon on their beseiged base and surrounding towns. A gap in the lines was spotted, and with the assistance of South Ossetian Forces as well as Abkhazian F-14s, Stellaris moved to confirm their C-130 was flight ready. After securing 4x4 trucks, and doing a sweep for any lingering mobile AAA positions, the base was considered secure enough to attempt a takeoff. Flying low to terrain, they succesfully escaped to the North-West and followed the Caucasus mountain range to safety.